

I am 34 year old Dad of 3 amazing boys that keep me busy and challenge me to be a better man every day. I am married to the most beautiful woman, who is my soulmate and best friend. I am a faithful and growing Christian who continues to pursue a relationship with Jesus Christ and I enjoy growing with other Christians in our walk of faith. I enjoy watching sports; Go Patriots!, playing acoustic guitar, and listening to different genres of music. I live in the amazing state of New Hampshire and work for a financial firm as a consultant. I love connecting with new people, learning their story and sharing mine.  I am looking forward to sharing my experience as a dad, husband, and man through this page and hope that you walk away inspired.


Fatherhood Part 1 – Trusting God to Provide 6.3.18 – Andrew

A lesson I need to continue to remember being a father

Born Again 4.14.18 – Andrew

How my life has complexly changed.

Life Takes Homework 3.23.18 – Andrew

A life lesson that applies to everyone

The Pause Button 3.14.18 – Andrew

Go Go Go…. Breath. Taking a moment to just pause makes a big difference.

A Moment of Silence 3.5.18 –Andrew

In the quiet moments of the day where does my brain wander.

A Six pack for a 6 pack 2.28.18 – Andrew

The beginning of my fitness journey to get back into shape.

Relax and Accept the Crazy 2.21.18 Andrew

Reflecting on a crazy Saturday afternoon.

Becoming a Better Man 2.16.18 – Andrew

Read how missing the greatest concert of my life resulted in the greatest gift.

Valentine’s Day last minute ideas2.11.18Andrew

4 days until Feb 14th?!? What to do?

The Greatest Gift2.7.18 – Nicki & Andrew

Read about our journey to Christ 

The Morning After 2.5.18Andrew

The day after a devastating Super Bowl loss; my thoughts on the game and were we go from here.

Dad Why is Tom Brady a Goat?2.1.18Andrew

What does it look like in the Heath household during a Sunday Patriots’ game and my take on the G.O.A.T

More Than Words 1.30.18- Andrew

How do your actions impact your children as they grow up? This is a blog on my perspective on being a father and always being on stage.